Wyeth Lane


We bought this home as our primary residence.  As with all of our primary residences, I just want to be able to cash flow a little bit when we depart.  As a result of the military lifestyle, we move roughly every three years.  As a result, I am willing to invest a little bit more money up front (by more money up front I mean a higher price point that will result in slightly less cash flow, NOT a higher down payment, etc..) and accept a smaller cash flow on departure, to ensure that my family is in a house we like in a neighborhood we really like.  By always buying and living in class “A” neighborhoods, I am able to control the type of tenants we have on departure as well as the quality of tenants.  We used our VA loan on this house which resulted in no money down!!(second time we have used it.  We refinanced out of our last one into a traditional mortgage in order to free our VA loan up again)

Financial Breakdown

Monthly PITI: 3015

Property Management: 0

HOA: 4

Maintenance: 5%

Vacancy  0% 

Monthly Rent: None at the moment.  Expect it to be roughly 3400-3500 when we depart.

Cash Flow: 335